In the ever-expanding universe of the comic book industry, a new entity emerged from the shadows. It is best known by one word:
Like the masterless warriors of feudal Japan, RONIN walks a path outside the shadow cast by the giants of comic book industry. RONIN focuses on creator-led and high-quality comics as it moves closer to an ideal industry that supports creators and fans worldwide.
The 1st issue of its flagship franchise, Steel Magnolia Issue # 0: Road to Jahannam will be showcased during a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter. The tale features the heist of a US military controlled WMD carried out by foreign terrorists. RONIN anticipates Issue # 0 to be a major hit with comic book fans which will propel Ronin Entertainment into the spotlight. The Steel Magnolia franchise features epic storylines exploring the age-old struggle of good versus evil that has thrilled comic book fans for decades.
RONIN is a new beacon of creativity and innovation in a stagnant industry. With the fandom's support, RONIN will reform the comic book industry to a more prosperous state. When RONIN stands unchallenged as THE next premier international outlet for comic book enthusiasts, its mission will be complete !!!
The path begins here...!
CEO & Creative Innovations Director
Writer. Entrepreneur. Visionary. These are only three of the words that could be used to describe Jarrell Tomlinson, the CEO & Creative Innovations Director of Ronin Entertainment LLC. Jarrell discovered his love for comics during his senior year of college. To pass time between classes, he'd read multiple webcomics and slowly began contemplating creating his own comic. Being inspired by the independence of the creators who produced some of his favorite webcomics, Jarrell decided to take his ambitions even further. Thus, Ronin Entertainment LLC was born !